I'm not proud, I'm so afraid, I'm so unappreciative with the things I have. Developed pessimism which accounts for why all of this hurts no matter how big, no matter how small. My likes are things some of those I rely on would tear me apart for. I can't come out about the things that will never see the light of day, like being someone of the furry community, which anyone who is a non-furry would know that that would mean I'm some weirdo and freak, a not normal member of society, maybe even acclaimed to be a zoophile just because I like anthropomorphized animals despite the community itself disliking them a whole damn lot. Not everyone can like everything, but that doesn't mean I have to be kicked in the skull for liking something so harmless, so small that becomes big just because humanity hates it a whole lot, but what can I do? I just want to like, leave them and stop hiding forever, but at the same time I am guilty of cutting ties unexpectedly despite them n...